Showing posts with label farmville 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farmville 2. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Farmville 2 Cheats - Speed-Feed 25 Pack Hack

Farmville 2 Cheats - Speed-Feed 25 Pack Hack
Tested and working as of 2.5.13

  1. Go to Farmville 2
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine or the small box under file tab Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe |Google Chrome: How to find the correct process - Click here
  4. Value type from '4 bytes' to 'text or string'
  5. Scan e_deco_waterfountain_generic
  6. Double click the results or click on the 1st address, hold shift and then click the last address.
  7. Click the red arrow
  8. Change all the values to 'e_resource_speedfeed_pack_25' (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  9. Buy a lof of Aqua Mortis Fountain.
  10. Store all Aqua Mortis Fountain.
  11. Do something to save the game.
  12. Reload the game
  13. HAVE FUN!

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Farmville 2 Cheats Shop Cash Hack

Farmville 2

Farmville 2 Cheats Shop Cash Hack
Play Farmville 2 on facebookClick here 
Updated 12.17.2012
Credits: HardJumpStyleFREAK


  • You can instantly expand the 100 Farm Bucks lands without refreshing! (Selecting them alone will unlock them, look out!)
  • You can virtually hire people for clearing obstructions and finishing buildings but this WILL crash your game!
  1. Use Firefox
  2. Go to Farmville 2 | farmville-two
  3. Open Cheat Engine
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe |Google Chrome: How to find the correct process - Click here
  5. Value type from '4 bytes' to 'Array of bytes'


  • 40 42 0F 00 40 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00
  • 36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Farmville 2 Cheats - New coins, exp hack

Farmville 2 Cheats New coins exp hack

Farmville 2 Cheats New coins exp hack cash

Farmville 2 Cheats - New coins, exp hack

Play Farmville 2 on facebook - Click here 

Updated 12.14.2012


  1. Use Firefox
  2. Go to Farmville 2 | farmville-two
  3. Open Cheat Engine
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe |Google Chrome: How to find the correct process - Click here
  5. Value Type '4 Bytes '
  6. Scan "45000"
  7. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address
  8. Click on the red arrow.
  9. Change the value to 1
  10. New scan
  11. Value type from '4 bytes' to 'Array of bytes'
  12. Scan '8D 01 00 00 01 00 00 00'
  13. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address
  14. Click on the red arrow.
  15. Change the value to 'F0 49 02 00 01 00 00 00'
  16. Now, go to Shop and search "Hay Wagon"
  17. Now, buy Hay Wagon as you want as it is Free and gives you a lot of exp and sell them for coins.
  18. HAVE FUN!!!!
Farmville 2 Cheats - Cash hack Coming soon!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Farmville 2 Festive Poles Cheat (Added new codes)

Farmville 2 Festive Poles Cheat
Code Updated: 11.25.2012


  1. Open Cheat Engine.
  2. Select -plugin_container.exe (firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
  3. Buy Item(fallharvest corn maze, horseshoegame generic or thanksgiving gnome) but do NOT place it yet.
  4. Value type from "4 bytes" to "Text" or "String"
  5. Scan "1st code" Ex. e_deco_fallharvest_corn_maze_a
  6. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
  7. Click on the red arrow.
  8. Change all the values to "2nd code" Ex. e_deco_winterhol_festivus_pole (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  9. Go back to FV2 and place the Orange Tree as many times as you want!
  10. You will get the item instead of Orange Trees 
  11. ENJOY!!!!
Codes list:


  • e_deco_winterhol_three_snowman_scarf = e_deco_animated_winterhol_parol_star
  • e_deco_winterhol_three_scarecrow_snowb = e_deco_inbloom_flowerbox_planter_qtsm1
  • e_deco_fence_base_winterhol_hedgesnow = e_deco_thanksgiving_cornucopia_flower
  • e_deco_winterhol_three_snow_fort = e_deco_winterhol_solstice_statue


  • e_tree_fruit_hazel = e_deco_bucket_wood
  • e_tree_fruit_douglasfir_snow = e_deco_waterfountain_generic 


  • e_animal_adult_goat_alpine = e_deco_winebottles_stacked
  • e_animal_adult_rabbit_snowshoehare = e_deco_animated_kite_flying_yellow
Other Codes

  1. e_deco_fallharvest_corn_maze_a = e_deco_winterhol_festivus_pole
  2. e_deco_animated_kite_flying_red = e_deco_winterhol_scarecrow_nick
  3. e_deco_animated_kite_flying_red or e_deco_fallharvest_corn_maze_b1or 
  4. e_deco_fallharvest_corn_maze_b2 = e_deco_winterhol_christmas_tree
  5. e_deco_animated_chair_rocking = e_deco_winterhol_menorah_wood
  6. e_deco_fallharvest_corn_maze_a = e_deco_winterhol_kwanzaa_table
  7. e_deco_thanksgiving_gnome_native = e_deco_winterhol_solstice_statue
  8. e_deco_bbq_table_condiment = e_deco_winterhol_yule_goat
  9. e_deco_horseshoegame_generic = e_deco_winterhol_nut_cracker
  10. e_deco_thanksgiving_gnome_native = e_deco_animated_solstice_maypole

Monday, 12 November 2012

Farmville 2 How to fix White Screen

Farmville 2 How to fix White Screen
Credits: snipar111

This is how to solve White Screen Problem in Farmville 2. Thanks to snipar111 for sharing this kind of solution to us :D

  1. Download Flash Uninstaller
  2. Close all the programs/browsers that use flash
  3. Run the Flash Uninstaller
  4. Delete Flash Player files and folders
  5. Go to My Computer > C >Windows > system32 > Macromed > Flash
  6. Delete all the files in this folder
  7. Restart your PC
  8. Install the latest Flash Player
  9. Now Go to Farmville 2 and play
  10. HAVE FUN!!!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Farmville 2 Power Leveling Hack

Farmville 2 Cheats New coins exp hack

Farmville 2 Power Leveling Hack

Credits: Offensivkiller

  1. Go to Farmville 2
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Select -plugin_container.exe (firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will 4.need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
  4. Value Type '4 Bytes '
  5. Scan "45000"
  6. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address
  7. Click on the red arrow.
  8. Change the value to 0 or 1
  9. Start recording
  10. Now, go to Shop and search "Hay Wagon"
  11. Now, buy Hay Wagon as you want as it is Free and gives you a lot of exp and sell them for coins.
  12. Stop recording
  13. Play Auto recording
  14. HAVE FUN!!!
Farmville 2 Cheats New coins exp hack cash

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Farmville 2 Ultimate Cash Items Expansion Hack

Farmville 2 Ultimate Cash Items Expansion Hack
Farmville 2 Ultimate Cash Items Expansion Hack

Credits: gatasnachocoto


1. Go to Farmville 2 and then feed all the babies until you got the Baby bottle

2. Open Cheat Engine.
3. Select -plugin_container.exe (firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will 4.need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
5. Value type from "4 bytes" to "Text" or "String"

6. Go far from the baby pet.
7. Click the baby that you want to feed and then quickly click the task.
8. In CE, Scan 'coins'
9. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
10. Click on the red arrow.
11. Change all the values to "farm bucks" (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
12. Immediately, change all the values back to "coins" (to prevent popup error)
13. Close the task

Note from 13: you need to be quick in this part

14. Go to get started pack (this is the very important part, this will refresh the game)
15. Click buy now quickly and will pop-out the store
16. And quickly cancel.

Note: now you can slow down

17.Now buy whatever you want..



Thursday, 1 November 2012

Farmville 2 Free Fertilizer

Farmville 2 Free Fertilizer
Click the links or images below to claim free instant grow!!!
The links will be updated so visit this link daily!!!

trucos farmville 2 Fertilizantes

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Farmville 2 Hen House Cheat

Farmville 2 Hen House Cheat

Credits: Eatos

  1. Open Cheat Engine.
  2. Select -plugin_container.exe (firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
  3. Buy Orange Tree but do NOT place it yet.
  4. Value type from "4 bytes" to "Text" or "String"
  5. Scan "e_tree_fruit_orange"
  6. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
  7. Click on the red arrow.
  8. Change all the values to "e_building_henhouse_crew_Finish" (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  9. Go back to FV2 and place the Orange Tree as many times as you want!
  10. You will get Hen Houses instead of Orange Trees 
  11. ENJOY!!!!

Farmville 2 Unlimited Cauldron Cheat

Farmville 2 Unlimited Cauldron Cheat

Credits: Eatos

  1. Open Cheat Engine.
  2. Select -plugin_container.exe (firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
  3. Buy Orange Tree but do NOT place it yet.
  4. Value type from "4 bytes" to "Text" or "String"
  5. Scan "e_tree_fruit_orange"
  6. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
  7. Click on the red arrow.
  8. Change all the values to "e_building_cauldron_crew_Finish" (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  9. Go back to FV2 and place the Orange Tree as many times as you want!
  10. You will get Cauldrons instead of Orange Trees 
  11. ENJOY!!!!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Farmville 2 - 100 Cash Expansion Cheat (No error)

Farmville 2 100 Cash Expansion Cheat

Farmville 2 - 100 Cash Expansion Cheat

Credits: Dora

  1. Go to Farmville 2 and Open the 100 cash land. ( note:leave it open )
  2. Open Cheat Engine.
  3. Select -plugin_container.exe (firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
  4. Value type from "4 bytes" to "Text" or "String"
  5. Scan "coins"
  6. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
  7. Click on the red arrow.
  8. Change all the values to "farm bucks" (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  9. Immediately, change all the values back to "coins(to prevent popup error)
  10. Back to FV2 and then click the 'SKIP WITH 100 CASH' button
  11. Close the box without expanding.
  12. Reload the game or visit your friend then return.
  13. Your farm will be able to expand with the red check now. 
  14. ENJOY!!!!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Farmville 2 Cheats - Halloween Candy Hack

Farmville 2 Cheats Water hack
Farmville 2 Halloween Candy Cheat facebook

Farmville 2 Cheats - Halloween Candy Hack


  1. Go to Farmville 2
  2. Open Cheat Engine.
  3. Select -plugin_container.exe (firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
  4. Plant a lot of Strawberries
  5. Value type from "4 bytes" to "Text" or "String"
  6. Scan "e_rare_crop_strawberry"
  7. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
  8. Click on the red arrow.
  9. Change all the values to "e_rare_halloween_candy"
  10. Use the Instant Growth to harvest all the "Strawberry" (Farmville 2 Cash Instant Grow Cheat - Click here)
  11. You will see your Halloween Candy count increase (Check the Halloween shack)
  12. Claim your Halloween sheep before Halloween!
  13. ENJOY!!!

Farmville 2 Cash Instant Grow Cheat - Click here

Monday, 22 October 2012

Farmville 2 Ultimate Water Cheat

Farmville 2 Cheats Water hack

Farmville 2 Cheats Water hack facebook cash

Farmville 2 Ultimate Water Hack


  1. Go to Farmville 2
  2. Open Cheat Engine.
  3. Select -plugin_container.exe (firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
  4. Value type "4 bytes"
  5. Scan 1000000
  6. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
  7. Click on the red arrow.
  8. Change all the values to 0
  9. New scan 50000 
  10. Change all the values to 2000000
  11. Now buy the "Manor Harvestate" and put it in your farm.
  12. In cheat engine, change the value type to Text or String 
  13. New scan 'Coins'
  14. Change all the values to "water"
  15. Sell Manorhavestate.
  16. Wait for 2 minutes. 
  17. Reload the game. 
  18. Your coins will wipe our but you have Unlimited Water.
  19. Use the coins cheat to return your coins :D

Farmville 2 COINS CHEAT v1 - Click Here
Farmville 2 COINS CHEAT v2 - Click  Here

Farmville 2 // Milking Stool, Enchanted Carrots, Pitchfork, Chainsaw

farmville 2 facebook


1. Go to Farmville 2|
2. Open Cheat Engine.
3. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
4. Value Type 'String or Text'


  • Buy 'Concrete Sundial' and put into your farm as much as you want.
  • Scan in CE "e_deco_sundial_stone" and change it to "e_viral_milkingstool"
  • Now store or put those 'Concrete Sundial' inside inventory.
  • Just wait 2 mins and then refresh the game.


  • Buy 'Red Backyard Umbrella' and put into your farm as much as you want.
  • Scan "e_deco_bbq_umbrella_red" and change it to "e_viral_enchantedcarrot"
  • Now store or put those 'Country lamppost' inside inventory.
  • Just wait 2 mins and then refresh the game.


  • Buy "noble land harvEstate" (ranchhouse)
  • Scan "e_deco_ranchhouse" and change "e_viral_pitchfork"
  • Put the "noble land harvEstate" (ranchhouse) into inventory.
  • Just wait 2 mins and then refresh the game.


  • Buy "stone gate" (rock arch)
  • Scan "e_deco_arch_rock" and change "e_viral_chainsaw"
  • Put the "stone gate" (rock arch) into inventory.
  • Just wait 2 mins and then refresh the game..

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Farmville 2 Fly Paper, Bandana, Rhinestones, Propane Tank, Chicken Wire Hack

farmville 2 facebook fv2 fv fb

Farmville 2 Fly Paper, Bandana, Rhinestones, Propane Tank, Chicken Wire Hack



1. Go to Farmville 2|
2. Open Cheat Engine.
3. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
4. Value Type 'String or Text'
5. Scan "coins" and change to "farm bucks" then again new scan "farm bucks" and change to "coins"
6. Buy 'Goat Topiary' (for free) and put into your farm as much as you want.
7. Scan "e_deco_topiary_goat"
8. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
9. Click on the red arrow.
10. And change the value to:

  • Chicken wiree_viral_chickenwire
  • Propane Tanke_viral_propanetank
  • FLY PAPERe_viral_flypaper
  • Rhinestonese_viral_geargrease
  • BANDANAe_viral_bandanas

11. Now store or put those 'Goat Topiary' inside inventory.
12. Just wait 1 - 2 mins and then refresh the game


Farmville 2 Quilt Scrap, Barbed Wire, Canning Jar, Gear Grease Hack

farmville 2 facebook fv2 fv fb

Farmville 2 Quilt Scrap, Barbed Wire, Canning Jar, Gear Grease Hack


1. Go to Farmville 2 | farmville-two.
2. Open Cheat Engine.
3. Select -plugin_container.exe (firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
4. Value Type 'String or Text'
5. Buy 'Scrubby Shrub' and put into your farm as much as you want.
6. Scan "e_deco_shrub_round"
7. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
8. Click on the red arrow.
9. And change the value to:

  • QUILT SCRAP = e_viral_quiltscrap
  • BARBED WIRE = e_viral_barbedwire
  • CANNING JAR = e_viral_canningjar
  • GEAR GREASE = e_viral_geargrease

10. Now store or put those 'Concrete Sundial' inside inventory.
11. Just wait 1 - 2 mins and then refresh the game


FV2 Cheats - Farmville 2 Cheat Silo Feed hack

Farmville 2 Cheat Silo Feed hack facebook

FV2 Cheats - Farmville 2 Cheat Silo Feed hack

  1. Go to Farmville 2 | farmville-two.
  2. Buy orange but Do NOT place the tree yet.
  3. Open Cheat Engine.
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe, if chrome you will need to select the correct chrome.exe process.
  5. Value Type 'String or Text'
  6. Scan 'e_tree_fruit_orange '
  7. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address.
  8. Click on the red arrow.
  9. Change the value to 'e_building_silo_l11'
  10. Go back to fv2 and then Place the baby orange tree.
  11. It should drop a Silo now! exp and sell them for coins.
  12. Refresh the game(after refresh the silo is still there)
  13. HAVE FUN!!!
Visit or Comment us at if you encounter any problem.

Farmville 2 Cheats - Cash Instant Grow hack

Farmville 2 on facebook

Farmville 2 Cheats - Cash Instant Grow hack

Credits: Pwnthis

  1. Use Firefox
  2. Play Farmville 2 on facebookClick here 
  3. Open Cheat Engine 6.2 or 6.1
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe
  6. HAVE FUN!!!!

Value to Scan
"e_deco_animated_rockinghorse" change to "e_resource_instagrow_pack_25"

Other Codes:

  • Click the first address, hold SHIFT, Click the last address (to select all address found)
  • Click the Red Arrow
  • After that select all the addresses below (Ctrl+A)
  • Hit Enter (To Change the value of address)

Farmville 2 Cheats Cash Instant Grow hack

Monday, 15 October 2012

Farmville 2 - Free Cash

Farmville 2 - Free Cash
Click the links or images below to claim free cash for farmville 2
The links will be updated so visit us daily!!!


Saturday, 13 October 2012

Farmville 2 cheats - Exotic Chicken hack

Farmville 2 Cheats New coins exp hack

Farmville 2 cheats -  Exotic Chicken hack

Play Farmville 2 on facebook - Click here 

Steps: Farmville 2 gold hack
  1. Use Firefox
  2. Go to Farmville 2 | farmville-two
  3. Open Cheat Engine
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe
  5. Value Type 'Double'
  6. Scan 86400
  7. Click the 1st address, Hold Shift and then click the last address
  8. Click on the red arrow.
  9. Change the value to 1
  10. Now keep harvesting the eggs till the exotic egg collection is complete!!!
  11. HAVE FUN!!!
Farmville 2 cheats Exotic Chicken hack