Showing posts with label ninja saga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ninja saga. Show all posts

Friday, 10 May 2013

Ninja Saga Cheats - Recruit NPC 2013

Ninja Saga Cheats - Recruit NPC 2013

Tested and working as of 01/11/2013

Credits: Afrix Kancil


  • RecruitStrong NPC


Steps :

  1. Clear browser cache [Ctrl + Shift + Delete]

  2. Go toNinja Saga

  3. OpenFiddler2> Autoresponder

  4. Drag the file(data_library.en) that you've just download from link above and drag it in autoresponder

  5. Go to Shop and buy the cheat.

  6. DONE!


Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp, Gold, Mission Bank hack 2013

Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp, Gold, Mission Bank hack 2013

Tested and Working as of 2/17/2013

Credits:Credits: Afrix Kancil

Features :

  • 10 Seconds Delay

  • EXP Hack

  • Gold Hack

  • Instant Chunin Exam

  • Instant Jounin Exam

  • Instant Special Jounin Exam

  • Instant Tp Mission



  1. Go to Ninja Saga

  2. Open Fiddler2 >Autorespondertab

  3. Check the options 'Enable autom...' And 'Permit pass..'.

  4. Drag the extracted file into Autoresponder on fiddler

  5. Clear your browser cache (the most Important)

  6. Go toNinja Saga>Academy

  7. Enter the password '63978DCB04'

  8. Convert any amount of Exp you want and the click on Xchange/Convert

  9. HAVE FUN!

How to clear browser cache (shortcut key: hold ctrl+shift+delete)

Mozilla Firefox:

Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now

Google Chrome:

Click Tools Icon (at the top right) > Click Options > Under The Hood > Clear Browser Cache

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp, Gold, Mission Bank hack 2013

Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp, Gold, Mission Bank hack 2013
Tested and Working as of 2/17/2013
Credits: Credits: Afrix Kancil

Features : 

  • 10 Seconds Delay
  • EXP Hack
  • Gold Hack
  • Instant Chunin Exam
  • Instant Jounin Exam
  • Instant Special Jounin Exam
  • Instant Tp Mission

  1. Go to Ninja Saga
  2. Open Fiddler2 > Autoresponder tab
  3. Check the options 'Enable autom...' And 'Permit pass..'. 
  4. Drag the extracted file into Autoresponder on fiddler 
  5. Clear your browser cache (the most Important) 
  6. Go to Ninja Saga >Academy
  7. Enter the password '63978DCB04'
  8. Convert any amount of Exp you want and the click on Xchange/Convert
  9. HAVE FUN!
How to clear browser cache (shortcut key: hold ctrl+shift+delete)

Mozilla Firefox:
Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now
Google Chrome:
Click Tools Icon (at the top right) > Click Options > Under The Hood > Clear Browser Cache

Monday, 11 February 2013

Ninja Saga Cheats - Recruit NPC 2013

Ninja Saga Cheats - Recruit NPC 2013
Tested and working as of 01/11/2013
Credits: Afrix Kancil

  • Recruit Strong NPC 

Steps :
  1. Clear browser cache [Ctrl + Shift + Delete]
  2. Go to Ninja Saga
  3. Open Fiddler2 > Autoresponder
  4. Drag the file(data_library.en) that you've just download from link above and drag it in autoresponder
  5. Go to Shop and buy the cheat.
  6. DONE!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Ninja Saga Cheats - Kage's Gifts Free 100 Tokens

Ninja Saga Cheats - Kage's Gifts Free 100 Tokens

Click on Kage's gift

Click Claim

Congratulations! You've got 100 token :D

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Ninja Saga Kari Gumi Honor Badge Bug

Ninja Saga Kari Gumi Honor Badge Bug
Tested and Working as of 12.26.12
Credits: aliketenci

  1. Go to Ninja Saga >Hunting House.
  2. Kill a boss and share it's reward.
  3. After you share it go to event and kill emblem boss.
  4. Share it's reward. shared thing is kari gumi honor badge.
Kari Gumi Honor Badges Bug Video

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Ninja Saga Cheats - Skill Hack All Secret Jutsu November

Ninja Saga Cheats - Skill Hack All Secret Jutsu November
  • Fiddler2
  • Google Chrome
  • File Download -  CLICK HERE
  1. Open Fiddler > "AUTORESPONDER" tab.
  2. Tick the tow boxes.
  3. Drag all files that you have just downloaded from link above.
  4. Click on save in your fiddler > clear cache (MOST IMPORTANT)
  5. Go to your Ninja Saga
  6. Login to Ninja Saga >> Profile equip your Secret Skill
  7. If you daon't have that Skill, Just Buy it on Academy
  8. Enjoy!!!

How to clear browser cache? 
Mozilla Firefox: Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Ninja Saga - Halloween Event Hack (Emblem - Enemies)

Ninja Saga - Halloween Event Hack (Emblem - Enemies)

  • Fiddler2
  • Google Chrome
  • File Download -  CLICK HERE
  1. Open Fiddler > "AUTORESPONDER" tab.
  2. Tick the tow boxes.
  3. Drag all files that you have just downloaded from link above.
  4. Click on save in your fiddler > clear cache (MOST IMPORTANT)
  5. Go to your Ninja Saga > Halloween event 
  6. click emblem button 
  7. got battle the emblem with the more reward
  8. To kill the boss fast Use this:
  9. Enjoy!!!
The Halloween Boss Low Hp (Easy Kill) - Click here

How to clear browser cache? 
Mozilla Firefox: Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Ninja Saga Cheats - All Hairstyles hack 2012

ninja saga hairstyles cheats

Ninja Saga Cheats - All Hairstyles hack
Tested and working as of 10/10/2012

    Steps :
    1. Clear browser cache [Ctrl + Shift + Delete]
    2. Go to Ninja Saga
    3. Open Fiddler2 > Autoresponder
    4. Drag the file(data_library.en) that you've just download from link above and drag it in autoresponder
    5. Go to Hairstyle
    6. DONE!

    Free user 200 = Token
    Emblem user = FREE

    Ninja Saga Hairstyle, Ninja Saga free hairstyle, Ninja Saga free color, Ninja Saga hairstyle hacks, Ninja Saga hairstyle cheats, Ninja Saga hairstyles, Ninja Saga cheat engine, Ninja Saga charles hacks, Ninja Saga bot charles, Ninja Saga download code,Ninja Saga



    1. Open Fiddler and Go to "AUTORESPONDER" tab.
    2. Tick the tow boxes.
    3. Drag all files that you have just downloaded from link above.
    4. Click on save in your fiddler > clear cache (MOST IMPORTANT)
    5. Go to your ninja saga > hunting house.
    6. Kill All Boss :D
    7. Enjoy!

    How to clear browser cache? 
    Mozilla Firefox: Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now

    Tuesday, 7 August 2012

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp Bank hack v5 [10 delay]

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp Bank hack v5
    Tested and Working as of 8/8/2012

    • Fiddler2
    • Charles
    • Firefox
    • EXP - [LINK] > Click free download > click download between ads

    1. Extract all files on your desktop 
    2. Open Fiddler2 
    3. Check the options 'Enable autom...' And 'Permit pass..'. 
    4. Drag all extracted files into Autoresponder on fiddler 
    5. Clear your browser cache (the most Important) 
    6. Go to Ninja Saga >Academy
    7. Remove/Delete the Password {*}
    8. Convert any amount of Exp you want and click Xchange 
    9. HAVE FUN!

    How to clear browser cache? 
    Mozilla Firefox: Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp Bank hack Charles Tutorial

    Tagged: Ninja Saga Chean Engine, Ninja Saga Charles, Ninja Saga Fiddler hacks, Ninja Saga bots guides, Ninja Saga exp glitch, Ninja Saga free exp, Ninja Saga now, Ninja Saga codes, Ninja Saga password, Ninja Saga download

    Monday, 30 July 2012

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Tensai Special Jounin

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Tensai Special Jounin
    1. Open Fiddler and Go to "AUTORESPONDER" tab.
    2. Tick the two boxes.
    3. Drag all files that you have just downloaded from link above.
    4. Click on save in your fiddler > clear cache (MOST IMPORTANT)
    5. Go to your ninja saga.
    6. Take Mission.
    7. Enjoy!
    How to clear browser cache? 
    Mozilla Firefox: Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now

    Sunday, 29 July 2012

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp Bank hack v4 [UPDATED]

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp Bank hack v2
    Tested and Working as of 07/29/2012

    • Fiddler2
    • Charles
    • Firefox
    • EXP - [LINK]

    1. Extract all files on your desktop 
    2. Open Fiddler2 
    3. Check the options 'Enable autom...' And 'Permit pass..'. 
    4. Drag all extracted files into Autoresponder on fiddler 
    5. Clear your browser cache (the most Important) 
    6. Go to Ninja Saga > Headquarters
    7. PASSWORD: 63978DCB04
    8. Convert any amount of Exp you want and click Xchange 
    9. HAVE FUN!

    How to clear browser cache? 
    Mozilla Firefox: Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Exp Bank hack Charles Tutorial

    Tagged: Ninja Saga Chean Engine, Ninja Saga Charles, Ninja Saga Fiddler hacks, Ninja Saga bots guides, Ninja Saga exp glitch, Ninja Saga free exp, Ninja Saga now, Ninja Saga codes, Ninja Saga password, Ninja Saga download

    Monday, 23 July 2012

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Coins hack (NEW)

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Coins hack (NEW)
    Updated Tested and Woking as of 07/23/2012



    1.Open Fiddler
    2.Go to Autoresponder. Check/Tick the options 'Enable autom...' And 'Permit pass..' for unmatched requests".
    3.Click 'Add'
    4.Select the line that appears and change the 'StringToMatch' to RULE EDITOR :
    5.In the textfield beside the save button, select Find a file and browser to the mission2.swf
    6.Clear your browser cache..
    7.Go to Ninja Saga and finish the mission 'Hardworking Student'
    8.You will get the A LOT of weapons to sell upon each completion.(Dont Abuse)

    Wednesday, 18 July 2012

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Anniversary Hack Package

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Anniversary Hack Package
    Tested and working as of 07/18/2012

    • Stats hack (adds 5k fire, earth thunder and water attributes but 200 only for wind)
    • Recruit Strong NPC 

    Note: Nod32 antivirus is detecting as virus so disable your antivirus before you download any file or tool below
    Steps :
    1. Clear browser cache [Ctrl + Shift + Delete]
    2. Go to Ninja Saga
    3. Open Fiddler2 > Autoresponder
    4. Drag the file(data_library.en) that you've just download from link above and drag it in autoresponder
    5. Go to Shop
    6. You can now press 'Recruit NPC' or Add Stat hack
    7. DONE!

    Ninja Saga Cheats
    Ninja Saga facebook
    Ninja Saga hacks

    Ninja Saga Hairstyle, Ninja Saga free hairstyle, Ninja Saga free color, Ninja Saga hairstyle hacks, Ninja Saga hairstyle cheats, Ninja Saga hairstyles, Ninja Saga cheat engine, Ninja Saga charles hacks, Ninja Saga bot charles, Ninja Saga download code,Ninja Saga, Ninja saga npc and stats hack

    Saturday, 7 July 2012

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Hack 50TP, Lvl78 New

    ninja saga facebook
    Ninja Saga Hack 50 TP and Lvl 78
    Credits: gamebloginf

    1. Go to Ninja Saga
    2. Open Fiddler2 and Click "Autoresponder tab" (which his lightning green icon)
    3. Then tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
    4. Drag and Drop Swf files into "Column Autoresponder"
    5. Clear browser cache in browser
    6. Go to Mission
    7. Done
    How to clear browser cache (shortcut key: hold ctrl+shift+delete)
    Mozilla Firefox:
    Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now
    Google Chrome:
    Click Tools Icon (at the top right) > Click Options > Under The Hood > Clear Browser Cache

    Ninja saga cheats - 1 hit kill (OHK) dmg hack

    ninja saga
    Ninja saga cheats - DAMAGE HACK
    • Fiddler2
    • File
    • Chrome or Firefox
    Steps :
    1. Open Ninja saga & Fiddler2
    2. Drag swf files in fiddler2
    3. Clear Browsing Data 
    4. Go to Shop New 
    5. Click at the button in top
    6. Then click the first item [items has no name]
    7. After this click Buy and go out from shop
    8. Done this is all
    Credit :FlashForce K.A.H

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Gashapon Hair Style Hack

    ninja saga facebook
    Ninja Saga Cheats - Gashapon Hair Style Hack

    • Fiddler2
    • Chrome or firefox
    • Download:- SWF
    1. Open the application Ninja Saga
    2. Then select the char you want to play
    3. Open C.E
    4. Select a process (the computer image on the left)
    5. Select the browser you use
    6. Change Value Type to text
    7. Type hair2 then scan
    8. After that move to the address below
    9. Change the Value to hair193
    10. Log Style Shop, and select what you want Hair
    11. If it is less clear, please see the video below

    Thursday, 28 June 2012

    Ninja Saga Trick To Get Free 80 Tokens

    ninja saga tokens
    Ninja Saga Trick To Get Free 80 Tokens

    Trick to get 80 tokens
    1. Make account in ultimate pay (
    2. Go to your email ( gmail , yahoo etc)
    3. Comfirm the registration and get 100 ultimate pay points
    4. Go to
    5. Select the package of 80 tokens
    6. Click at Show more payment options
    7. Select UltimatePay
    8. Click Instant Checkout
    9. Click Sing In then will sing in ultimate pay that you create.
    10. This is all Enjoy 80 Tokens.

    ninja saga tokens cheat hack

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Clan Stamina hack permanent

    Ninja Saga Cheats - Clan Stamina hack permanent facebook 2012
    ninja saga stamina

    • Charles
    • Firefox or Chrome


    1. Open Charles
    2. Open Ninja Saga
    3. Select your character and play
    4. (This time you dont have to put the check for breakpoint yet..)
    5. Go to your clan
    6. Here now you will put the check for breakpoint.. breakpoint the
    7. Go to BATTLE
    8. The browser will freeze.. and the breakpoint panel will appear again in charles...
    9. Now execute 1 Time(Once)
    10. Click EDIT RESPONSE , AMF then scroll down look for the stamina option... put the max value..
    11. Example: 20/100 so change your stamina to 100 to make the 20 (100)
    12. REMOVE the check for BREAKPOINT then execute..