Showing posts with label social empires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social empires. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Social Empires Level Cheat 2013

Social Empires Level Cheat 2013
Tested and working as of 1.23.2013



  1. Go to Social Empires
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine or the small box under file tab Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe |Google Chrome: How to find the correct process - Click here
  4. Value type from '4 bytes' to 'Array of Bytes'
  5. Scan '31 30 00 00 00 00 00 00'
  6. Double click the result or click the 1st address, hold shift and then click the last address, click the red arrow
  7. Change all the values to '2D 39 00 00 00 00 00 00' (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  8. Go to Build > Decoration and buy a lot Soldier Statue till you earn 40 cash
  9. New Scan 00 31 35 31 35 00
  10. Change the value to 00 31 34 39 36 00
  11. Go to Build > News and buy T-Rex Barrack
  12. New Scan 00 32 31 30 39 00 00 00 00 00
  13. Change the value to 00 31 34 32 36 00 00 00 00 00
  14. Click on T-Rex Barrack 
  15. Click on  BUY CASH icon
  16. HAVE FUN! 

Social Empires Ultimate Cash Cheat

Social Empires Cash Cheat
Tested and working as of 3.5.13


  1. Go to Social Wars
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine or the small box under file tab
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or FlashPlayerPlugin_11 (Watch: how to find correct process for google chrome - Click here)
  5. Value type from '4 bytes' to 'Array of byte'
  6. Scan 31 30 00 00 00 00 00 00
  7. Double click the result or click the 1st address, hold shift and then click the last address, click the red arrow
  8. Change all the values to '2D 39 00 00 00 00 00 00' (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  9. New Scan '31 30 30 30 00 00 00 00'
  10. Double click the result or click the 1st address, hold shift and then click the last address, click the red arrow
  11. Change all the values to '31 08 08 08 00 00 00 00' (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  12. Go play Dart, Buy Cash Items and Then buy 5 - 8 flowers.
  13. Now, Restart the game
  14. HAVE FUN!!!


Social Empires Ultimate Cash Cheat

Monday, 14 January 2013

Social Empires Hacks - Resources Cash Cheat (Starter Pack)

Social Empires Hacks Resources Cash Cheat (Starter Pack)

Social Empires Hacks - Resources Cash Cheat (Starter Pack)
Tested and working as of 1.14.13
Credits: tyson_d_20

  1. Go to Social Empires
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine or the small box under file tab
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe |Google Chrome: How to find the correct process - Click here
  5. Value type from '4 bytes' to 'text or string'
  6. Scan 'wood'
  7. Double click the result or click the 1st address, hold shift and then click the last address, click the red arrow
  8. Change all the values to 'cash' (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  9. Cut down 3 trees
  10. Go to Build > Expand and then buy the starter pack (you will have 25k cash :D)
  11. Buy all the cash items that you want and then restart the game.
  12. HAVE FUN!!!
The cash is temporary but the items you bought will remain.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Social Empires Ultimate Exp Cheat

Social Empires Ultimate Exp Cheat

Social Empires Ultimate Exp Cheat 

Credits: trgala

Tested and working as of 11.28.2012


  1. Go to Social Wars
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine or the small box under file tab
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or FlashPlayerPlugin_11 (Watch: how to find correct process for google chrome - Click here)
  5. Value type from '4 bytes' to 'Array of byte'
  6. Scan 32 35 30 30 00 00 00 00
  7. Double click the result or click the 1st address, hold shift and then click the last address, click the red arrow
  8. Change all the values to '39 39 39 39 00 00 00 00' (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  9. New Scan '32 35 30 30 30 30 00 00'
  10. Double click the result or click the 1st address, hold shift and then click the last address, click the red arrow
  11. Change all the values to '2D 39 39 39 39 39 00 00' (Select 1 address below. Hold Ctrl +A and then hit Enter key)
  12. Now buy a lot of volcano or Dragon Status to level up
  13. Then buy 5 - 8 flowers.
  14. Now, Restart the game
  15. HAVE FUN!!!


Friday, 5 October 2012

Social Empires and Social Wars - Unblock your account

Social Empires Cheats Cash Units hack

Social Empires and Social Wars - Unblock your account


This is how to unblock your account in social empires, the sad news is you should repeat the process each time you login.

(10/05/2012) - When i tried it in social empires it did NOT work but when i logged in my social  wars that is blocked too it enters, I think it also unblock my social wars account.

Credits: PLoxieR1

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Social Empires Cheats - Cash Units hack

Social Empires Cheats Cash Units hack

Social Empires Cheats - Cash Units hack 2012

Tested and Working as of 09/28/2012



How to
  1. Go to Social Wars
  2. Open Cheat Engine (CE)
  3. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine or the small box under file tab
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or chrome.exe(google chrome) or FlashPlayerPlugin
  5. Value type 'Array of byte'
  6. Scan 32 30 33 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  7. Double click all the results
  8. Change the value to (DOWNLOAD CODES LIST)
  9. New scan 33 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  10. Click the 1st addres, Hold Ctrl and then click the last address (to select all)
  11. Click the red arrow
  12. Change the value to 2D 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  13. Go to Build > All > Limited Edition and find the "Golden Paladin Barrack"
  14. When finish, visit friend and refresh page

Social Empires Cheats Cash Units hack facebook

cheat engine, charles, download code, fiddler2, cash hack 2012, on facebook cheat, units hack, resourcess unlimites, instant building, gold

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Social Empires Cheats - New Cash hack 2012

Social Empires Cheats New Cash hack

Social Empires Cheats - New Cash hack

Tested and Working as of 09/12/2012


  1. Go to Social Empires - Click here to play
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd, 3rd or 4th chrome.exe(google chrome) or FlashPlayerPlugin
  4. Value Type "Text"
  5. Go to Tourney, and Choose "Friends Tourn"
  6. Choose "The Best"
  7. Scan "gold
  8. Hold shift, click 1st address, and then last address
  9. Click the red arrow
  10. Change the value to cash
  11. You will get Error > reload
  12. Then go to Tourney again click "Cancel Tournament" see your Cash
  13. ENJOY!!!
Social Empires Cheats - New Cash hack 2012 Video

cheat engine, charles, download code, fiddler2, cash hack 2012, on facebook cheat, units hack, resourcess unlimites, instant building, gold

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Social Empires Cheats - Cash Premium hack

Social Empires Cheats - Cash Premium hack @ cheat2dmax
  • Cheat Engine – Click here
  • Firefox or Google Chrome


  1. Open Cheat Engine (CE)
  2. Go to Social Empires on facebook- Click here to play
  3. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine or the small box under file tab.
  4. Select the  -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 3rd or 4th chrome.exe(google chrome) or the 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11
  5. Go to Tourney > Friends Tourney > Select "The best"
  6. Value Type "Text/String"
  7. Scan ' gold '
  8. Double click all address or hold shift and click 1st address, and then last address
  9. Click on the red arrow
  10. Change all Address to cash (CTRL+A to select all and right click and select change record > value)
  11. Now back to the game, click 'OK'
  12. You should see the waiting screen with the timer counting down. You will also get an error popup.
  13. You need 3 friends to get the waiting screen or the cheat won' work.
  14. Click the error and the game reloads.
  15. Go to the Tourney and cancel the tournament.
  16. You will now get the 50 cash/premium.
Social Empires Cheats Cash Premium hack

Social Empires new cash hack, Social Empires cash cheat, Social Empires cash hacks, Social Empires premium, Social Empires free cheat, Social Empires download, Social Empires cheat engine, Social Empires fiddler2m Social Empires  charles

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Social Empires Cheats - Unit hack

social empires cheat hack

Credits: Alakazam

Tools: Cheat Engine

How to use:

  1. Go to Social Wars
  2. Open Cheat Engine (CE)
  3. Click mini cpu icon at the top left of cheat engine or the small box under file tab
  4. Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or chrome.exe(google chrome) under rundll32.exe
  5. Value type ‘Array of byte‘
  6. Scan 31 30 30 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  7. Double click the result
  8. Change the value to 31 30 30 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  9. buy academy 1(if you already have just store it and put it again to ground)
  10. Then buy 2 flowers.
  11. Store the flowers.
  12. Now visit your friend or neighbor
  13. Change the 31 30 30 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 any code below.
  14. Then go back to your Home
  15. Refresh the game and HAVE FUN!.

Social Wars Unit Code:

Executioner Mech: 31 32 39 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00(not release yet no image,no skill)
Executioner Mech Drone: 31 32 38 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Black Belt Archer: 31 32 30 37 35 36 3A 5B 38 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00\

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Social Empires Cheats // Cash Hack

Cheat Engine

1. Log Into Social Empires And Open Cheat Engine
2. Target Your Browser And Then Change Value To Array Of Bytes
3. Scan This Code => 5B 38 30 2C 20 37 35 2C
4. There Should Be One Address That Would Appear , Double Click It
5. Change The Value To = > 5B 2D 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 5D
6. Go To Gifts And Units And Find Mythological Unit , Then Buy Vulcano
7. Refresh To See Your Vulcano And Chech Your Cash Now

Social Empires Cheats // Cash and Structure hack

Cheat Engine

1. Log Into Social Empires And Open Cheat Engine
2. Target Your Browser And Then Change Value To Array Of Bytes
3. Scan This Code => 5B 39 30 2C 20 39 30 2C
4. There Should Be One Address That Would Appear , Double Click It
5. Change The Value To = > 5B 39 30 2C 2D 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 2C

For Others Steps Watch The Vidoe Below

:- Video belongs to the old cheat codes have changed. Ban eating and 60% risk.